Cardio exercises are defined as exercises that help the body to get large amounts of oxygen when performing them, and they are divided into two basic types depending on the intensity of the exercise, which are light-intensity exercises such as walking, and high-intensity exercises.
these exercises are based on moving the body in a way that speeds up the heartbeat and breathing, and that helps the body to breathe deeply, and that leads to raising the percentage of oxygen in the blood, and that leads to raising the efficiency of the body in general.
What are cardio exercises
Aerobic exercises are also the same, and they are called by this name relative to Cardiovascular, because these exercises have an effect on the heart and blood vessels, and these exercises are performed on a large scale, and these exercises need great effort, and these exercises are considered one of the best sports exercises that benefit the body, and these exercises mainly burn sugar and oxygen to produce energy, therefore they reduce weight because it burns fat throughout the body.
The importance of cardio exercises for the body
The importance of cardio exercises for the body is manifold, but they must be practiced gradually at the beginning in order to accustom the body to them, and their importance to the body is as follows:
Promote heart health
With age, the heart muscle weakens, and this makes a person more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, and when practiced regularly, it increases the heart rate for a short time, and this strengthens the heart muscle, thus preventing cardiovascular diseases, and one of the benefits of these exercises for the body is also that they rid the body of harmful cholesterol for the body.
Reduce the chances of developing diabetes
Regular cardio exercises increase the ability of the muscles to use the glucose in the body properly, and this helps to keep blood sugar levels under control and prevent any rise in them.
Losing excess weight
Cardio exercises work to lose excess weight if you want to lose weight, or keep the weight constant, by burning specific amounts of calories every day by practicing these exercises, and weight loss is done because cardio exercises burn a high percentage of calories to supply the body with the energy necessary to perform these exercises, from us it works to reduce weight significantly.
Enhance the healthy state of the brain
With age, the brain begins to gradually lose parts of its tissues, especially after reaching the age of thirty, and regular performance of these exercises reduces these symptoms and slows down the process of losing parts of tissues, which improves cognition and brain health in general.
Other importance of cardio exercises for humans
There are several other important cardio exercises for humans, and these are as follows:
Increase human self-confidence.
Improve the condition of the lungs.
Resistance to anxiety.
Resistance to depression.
Stress resistance.
Increased bone density.
No feeling of restlessness or anxiety during sleep.
Reduce blood pressure.
Improve the body's immune system.
Pain relief.
Improve the metabolism in the body.
Reduce the severity of symptoms caused by Asthma disease.
Reduce the chances of developing cancer diseases.
Delivery of nutrients and oxygen to all different parts of the body.
Different types of cardio exercises
There are several different types of cardio exercises, these types are as follows:
Jumping rope
This exercise is one of the oldest sports exercises, and this exercise works to burn fat significantly, and it also works to supply the body with the necessary energy and activate the body, this exercise burns 1200 calories per hour, this exercise works to move all parts of the body, including the heart, and this exercise can be performed with a small number of jumps as a kind of warm-up, and gradually increase this number while taking a break while performing exercises.
It is one of the most preferred cardio exercises by many, because it is easy to perform and it is also effective in burning fat, as this exercise burns 300 calories, and this exercise is suitable for all ages and pregnant women as well, and this exercise can be practiced in any convenient and comfortable place.
Climbing stairs or ladder
This exercise strengthens muscles and bones, and this is because this exercise is similar to strength exercises, climbing stairs, whether in gyms or on a real ladder, strengthens muscles such as the glutes and thighs and tightens these muscles, and this exercise burns large amounts of calories, and therefore this exercise works to lose weight significantly, preferably practicing these exercises 3-5 times a week depending on what you want from performing these exercises, for example, if you want to perform these exercises to burn fat, this exercise should be practiced 5 times a week for 20 minutes.
Running or jogging, dancing or Zumba, rowing, swimming, cycling.
Other information about cardio exercises for weight loss
There is other information about cardio that you should know before you start doing these exercises, and this information is as follows:
According to three factors the types of cardio exercises differ, these three factors are:
How regularly do these exercises.
The intensity with which the exercises are performed.
The duration of the performance of these exercises.
It is best to do cardio exercises weekly with classes as follows:
From 150-300 minutes a week of doing gentle cardio.
From 75-150 minutes a week of doing high-intensity cardio.
You should start with light cardio and then gradually increase it to reach intense cardio.
A person should choose the type of cardio that he would like to perform while diversifying these exercises.
Doctors and experts advise that a person should not lose more than 500-1000 g per week, and it is also recommended to regularly perform cardio exercises two to three times a week, and it is also recommended to focus on more and less intense sessions for a minimum of 25 minutes.
How many calories can be burned in cardio in 30 minutes
The number of calories that can be burned in cardio in 30 minutes is as follows:
Exercise walking.. Cardio exercises for weight loss
A 30-minute walking workout burns 185 calories.
Dance exercises.. Cardio exercises for crunches
Dance exercises for 30 minutes burn 165 calories.
Sport walking 5 miles per hour
This exercise burns 295 calories .
Cycling at speeds above 10 miles / hour
This exercise burns 295 calories.
Sports swimming for slimming the abdomen and buttocks
A 30-minute swimming workout burns 255 calories.
And here we are finished in this article talking about cardio exercises, we also talked about their importance for the body, the different types, we also mentioned other information about them, and how many calories can be burned in 30 minutes.