It is known that walking exercises are one of the effective sports in burning stubborn fat in the body and tightening its muscles, as it moves all the organs of the body. But on the other hand, it prevents serious health problems for the performer.
The benefits of walking for women are countless
Walking for women brings great benefits, as indicated by the Mayo Clinic website " Mayoclinic:
Walking moves and tightens all the muscles of the body, thereby giving the body a harmonious shape, as well as providing it with activity.
Walking helps to burn calories, and therefore lose weight.
Walking is useful for strengthening the breathing muscles and chest muscles.
Significantly enhances the metabolism.
The benefits of walking for healthy women
Walking has several health benefits, as follows:
Walking reduces the risk of developing Type II diabetes; it reduces blood sugar levels.
It protects against arthritis, and also relieves the aggravation of the symptoms associated with the latter; walking helps to reduce weight and build muscles, which reduces pressure on the joints, thereby relieving knee and back pain.
Walking helps to raise immunoglobulin levels in the blood by 20%, with a noticeable decrease, in turn, in the number of lymphocytes in the blood, thereby strengthening the immune system.
Walking is useful for increasing the bone mineral density of the lumbar spine, reducing the incidence of osteoporosis.
Walking increases the flow of oxygen in the blood, which strengthens the health of the heart, thereby reducing the risk of coronary heart disease.
Walking achieves lowering the level of systolic blood pressure in women at the stage of menopause, as well as those with hypertension.
Walking improves sleep quality.
Walking helps to reduce the percentage of harmful fats and cholesterol in the body.
Walking promotes mental and mental health, increases the ability to concentrate.
The right ways to walk
To take advantage of the benefits of walking, it is necessary to follow the following guidelines:
Take care to raise the head and look straight ahead, while walking.
Relax the muscles of the neck, shoulder, and also the back.
Freely move the arms with a slight bend in the elbows while walking.
Tighten the abdominal muscles, being careful not to arch the back, both forward and backward when walking.
Using the calf and thigh muscles for correct walking; this is by pushing the foot from the back side, using the thigh muscles, while moving to push the body forward on the heel of the other foot after that, and then moving the foot forward in order from heel to toe while doing the step; to stimulate the calf muscles to work and use them to maintain the correct angle.
Start with a slow walk, gradually increasing the speed, according to endurance. It is preferable to increase the intensity of walking by taking fast steps for two minutes, then slow steps for four minutes, fast steps for two minutes.
Tips that may interest you about hiking
Avoid taking a walk immediately after one of the main meals.
Do not walk at noon, especially during the peak brightness of the sun's Rays.
Take care to wear cotton clothes; for its high ability to absorb sweating.
It is necessary to wear special walking sneakers to avoid back pain and foot problems.
Choose safe, non-bumpy places for walking; avoid non-slip.
Take care to drink about two liters of water, daily.