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Ways to maintain a healthy body and a slim figure after forty


After exceeding the age of 40 years, it becomes easy to gain more weight, and it is also difficult to get rid of excess kilograms, compared to what was the case in the previous age stages;

Ways to maintain a healthy body and a slim figure after forty

this is due to changes in physical activity levels, eating habits and hormone secretion rates, in addition to the change in how the body stores fat, as nutritionist Rula Kamal confirms to":

- Fruits and vegetables:

Fruits and vegetables should be added with each dietary meal; 

this step helps to get more useful nutrients and less fat and calories than those found in meat, dairy products or cereals. These meals give a feeling of satiety, which reduces the size of meals.‬‬‬‬‬‬

- Light dinner;

It is preferable that the body gets most of its daily calorie needs at lunch before three o'clock in the afternoon and it is enough to have a light dinner to get effective results in weight loss.

- Cooking in healthy ways:

A lot of fat and calories accumulate in the body due to the way food is cooked, so instead of frying food, cooking it in butter or immersing it in oil, you can rely on grilling or boiling. The advice is not limited to eating at home only, but should also be followed in restaurants by choosing dishes.

- Minimization of caloric intake:

With age, activity, movement and physical activity decrease for various reasons, hence the need to reduce the number of calories usual before in order to succeed in trying to lose weight. Would you like to read more about weight loss

- Stop drinking drinks rich in sugar:

It is advisable to drink water or any low-calorie natural drink instead of sugar-sweetened coffee, tea, soft drinks or energy drinks. Sweetened drinks contain a lot of added sugar. Which can mean the risk of developing diabetes when overweight.

- Physical exercises;

There is not enough time between office jobs, car or transport commutes, family activities for exercise, but it is important in order to maintain weight or lose extra kilograms and maintain good overall health that at least two and a half hours of moderate physical activity are allocated per week.

- Muscle building:

Bodies naturally lose their muscles after the age of forty, especially in postmenopausal women, since muscles burn more calories than fat. This can slow down the metabolism and make it more difficult to get rid of excess weight. 

Strength training such as lifting weights or doing exercises based on the same body weight under the supervision of a specialist twice a week can help to maintain muscle tone.

- Good sleep;

After the age of forty, many factors and causes can lead to disruption of sleep hours and schedules, starting from health problems, passing through stress and medications, as well as menopause in women. But it should be known that women who do not get a good night's sleep are most likely to gain weight. 

So you should change your sleeping habits and maintain regular schedules of at least 8 hours of sleep a day.

- Examination of the thyroid gland:

When some women encounter the problem of not losing weight despite a healthy diet, exercise and exercise regularly, it means that the thyroid gland is not working as it should. Therefore, they must be checked.

- Mass dieting:

Many achieve better results in losing weight while participating in groups of competitors from colleagues, girlfriends or relatives... Or join the social media group. 

It is likely that the reasons for the success of this method is due to helping others motivate to achieve goals, or because the lady is encouraged to do more if she achieves positive results. Within the group.
