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Which is better.. Eat fruits or drink juices


Fruits contain a fair amount of minerals and vitamins, and some may prefer to drink iced juice than eating fruits, but although the juice tastes great, and it doesn't take much time to eat it, it definitely misses many of the features of the fruits themselves.

Which is better.. Eat fruits or drink juices

Fruits contain fiber, which is lost with the extraction of juice from them, and these fibers serve as a bulwark against the sudden increase in blood sugar levels after eating, but juices contribute to increasing your daily share of nutrients, so which is better to eat fruits or drink juices

Are juices good for health

The "nutrisense" website pointed out that fruit juices still contain vitamins, and antioxidants found in the fruits themselves.

Research has shown, according to the same source, that drinking juices may increase the risk of developing Type II diabetes in some, because getting juice leads to a reduction in the amount of dietary fiber intake.

The fiber available in fruits helps to slow down the digestion process, which reduces the rate of absorption of sugar into the blood, and due to the absence of these fibers in juices, absorption is faster, and then blood sugar levels increase.

Juices contribute to getting more fruits without much effort, but that does not mean being satisfied with them as the only source of minerals and vitamins, but the body still needs carbohydrates and fiber found in fruits.

Advantages of fruit juices

The advantages of fruit juices include:

* Promote digestion.
* Increase the amount of nutrients that a man gets besides fruits and vegetables, especially for people who need additional supplements.
A sweet-tasting alternative to sugary drinks, such as soft drinks, or juices containing added sugars.

Disadvantages of fruit juices

As for the disadvantages of fruit juices, they are:

* Fruit juice does not contain dietary fiber to the same extent as available in fruits and vegetables, and then the man gets sugar, and the nutrients are abstract from fiber with health benefits.
* It may take some time to squeeze the fruit.
There is no real scientific evidence that juice is healthier than eating fruits and vegetables.
*When the peel and pulp of fruits and vegetables are removed, fiber is lost, which slows down the rate of sugar absorption, in addition to increasing the concentration of sugar in the juice consumed, which increases blood sugar levels, and also affects insulin levels.
*The lack of fiber, the concentration of sugar in juices can lead to weight gain.

Vitamins for smoothies, do you need them

Focusing only on drinking juices at the beginning of the day will not give you the nutrients you need for better health, you should diversify the sources of nutrients during the day.

If your diet includes fruits, vegetables, and a healthy amount of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, you may not need to boost your vitamins through juices.

This is because some vitamins, such as vitamin B and vitamin C are water-soluble vitamins, so the body does not store them, and then if these vitamins exceed the required amount per day, the body gets rid of this excess amount through urination.

The benefits of eating fruits

The benefits of eating fruits include:

1 - Rich in nutrients

Fruits contain almost all the nutrients that a man's body needs from minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that are famous for their role in strengthening the body's immunity.

What many do not know is that most of the nutrients are concentrated in the peel of fruits, and therefore getting rid of the peel and pulp of fruits in order to make juice may lose you a lot of vital nutrients.

2-get the fiber

The main disadvantage of fruit juices is that they do not contain fiber, as by extracting the juice from the fruit, the cell walls disintegrate, sugar comes out of the fruits, and then no fiber remains.

Fiber contributes to the facilitation of digestion, the preservation of the colon, the Prevention of constipation.

The fiber contained in fruits is associated with sugar, which makes it difficult to absorb sugar from fruits, and then the absorption rate is slow, so the blood sugar level does not rise immediately after eating.

The antioxidants found in fruits are also associated with fiber, and may not be as available in fruit juices.

3-overcoming hunger pangs

We feel hungry from time to time between the main meals during the day, and some may start eating processed foods, or fast food; to stop hunger pangs.

It is preferable to get fruits to overcome hunger, as they regulate appetite, are also healthy, and do not cause harm to the body unlike other types of unhealthy food.

4 - satiety for a longer time

The "sugarfit" website stated that it is best to eat fruits between the main meals, or get them while traveling, or working, as fruits contribute to satiety for a long time, because of the fiber they contain.

As for fruit juices, they may not support satiety, but they provide the body with the vital energy necessary to perform tasks during the day.

5-chewing is a sport!

Fruits should be chewed thoroughly before swallowing, so it is not available in juices of course.

Chewing gently keeps teeth and gums healthy and supports better absorption of nutrients from fruits.

Chewing fruits also protects against overeating, or drinking juices, which may be the causes of weight gain.

Should juices be avoided

Not necessarily, so if juice is not the best way to get fruits, it is the right way to get more fruits during the day.

Also juice is a great alternative to carbonated drinks full of harmful sugar.

Some may be afraid of increasing sugar levels after drinking fruit juices, especially since they are not rich in fiber, and then the body's response can be tracked by measuring blood sugar levels after drinking juices.

How to benefit from fruits and juices together

The website "vinmec" according to nutritionists showed that it is best to get 400 grams of fresh fruits during the day, and if you want to drink juices, the priority is for fruits that contain a little sugar, and it is not recommended to skip a glass or two of fruit juices a day.