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The benefits of cloves for straightening hair


The benefits of cloves for straightening hair | the green pharmacy or the so-called alternative medicine contains a lot of herbs and mixtures that have given great effectiveness in treating many diseases, and the green pharmacy is characterized by the ease of obtaining its medicines and the limited damage they cause to humans.

The benefits of cloves for straightening hair

In this article from the Jamal health website, we will talk about the clove plant not as a spice, but as one of the alternative medicine preparations, in addition to talking about the benefits of cloves for straightening hair and learning about clove recipes for treating hair problems.

The benefits of cloves for straightening hair

In this paragraph we will talk about the benefits of cloves for the body in general and for hair in particular:

The benefits of cloves for hair

There are several benefits that clove oil gives to hair, namely:

  • Hair straightening: clove oil contributes to hair straightening and smoothing very effectively, especially if used with olive oil.

  • Hair thickening: clove oil contains many nutrients for hair, which gives it vitality and high density.

  • Reduces hair loss: clove oil contributes to the Prevention of hair loss, due to the fact that it contains anti-inflammatory compounds.

  • Antibacterial: rubbing the scalp with clove oil contributes to the elimination of harmful bacteria.

The benefits of cloves for the body

Cloves provide many benefits to the body, namely:

  • Improve oral odor: this is because cloves contain substances with strong aromatic properties that expel unpleasant odors from the mouth, and also prevent tooth decay as a result of the presence of antibacterial and inflammatory substances.

  • Contribute to the digestive process: cloves contribute to improving digestion, due to the content of eugenol, which reduces the amount of gases produced during digestion, cloves also contribute to getting rid of diarrhea and nausea.

  • Blood sugar control: cloves contribute to the treatment of Type II diabetes, by reducing the body's resistance to insulin, cloves also reduce harmful cholesterol as well as get rid of triglycerides inside the body.

  • Promoting bone health: cloves contribute to strengthening bones and increasing their mineral content, due to the content of flavones and eugenols, cloves also contribute to increasing the production of collagen in the skin, due to its good content of vitamin C, cloves also contain magnesium, which contributes to improving the growth of connective tissue in cartilage and bones, cloves also contain omega acid٣ which increases the absorption of calcium in the body, in addition to containing vitamin K, which contributes to regulating the work of bone-forming cells.

Clove mask for hair extension

Necessary ingredients:

  • A small cup of pure castor oil.

  • A small cup of olive oil.

  • Also you need a small cup of paraffin oil.

  • A small cup of rose water.

  • A small cup of cloves.

Method of preparation:

We prepare the mask according to the following steps:

  • We initially grind the clove cones well.

  • We prepare a metal vase and put the previous materials in it, and then we do the mixing process well.

  • We put the pot on the fire and continue stirring until it warms up.

  • We leave the mixture until its temperature becomes acceptable, then we spread it on the hair from the tips to the ends.

  • We leave this mask on the hair about three hours.

  • After that, we wash the mask off the hair with warm water and shampoo until it cleans well, and then we dry the hair well.

  • It is advisable to apply this mask to the hair twice a week until the desired results are obtained.

Clove and yogurt hair mask

Necessary ingredients:

  • Half a tablespoon of clove cones.

  • Two tablespoons of olive oil, where olive oil contributes to the omega oil it contains٣ to nourish, soften and lengthen the hair.

  • A glass of sour milk, in which sour milk (yogurt) contributes to the thickening of hair and their further growth, due to the content of vitamin B12.

Method of preparation:

We prepare the mask according to the following steps:

  • We initially grind the clove cones well.

  • We prepare a metal vase and put the previous materials in it, and then we do the mixing process well.

  • We spread the mixture on the hair with clean fingers, from the tips to the ends in a circular motion.

  • We leave this mask on the hair about half an hour.

  • After that, we wash the mask off the hair with warm water and shampoo until it cleans well, and then we dry the hair well.

  • It is advisable to apply this mask to the hair twice a week until the desired results are obtained.

Clove and Nigella hair mask

Necessary ingredients:

  • Two tablespoons of clove cones.

  • Two tablespoons of Nigella sativa, where Nigella sativa contributes with its antioxidants, nutrients and vitamins to strengthen and lengthen hair, increase shine and reduce wrinkles.

  • Two tablespoons of olive oil.

Method of preparation:

  • We first grind the clove cones well.

  • We finely grind the nigella sativa.

  • We put Nigella powder and clove powder in a bottle and put boiling water on them, and then we close the bottle and put it in boiling water, then we cover the pot in which the bottle was placed and leave it for two hours to cool.

  • We filter the extract of clove and Nigella infusion.

  • We mix this extract with olive oil well and then we grease the hair from the roots to the ends of the ends and leave it on the hair for 40 minutes.

  • We wash the mixture off the hair with lukewarm water and shampoo.

  • We repeat this process every day for a week, in order to get the desired result.

Clove and Honey Hair Mask

Necessary ingredients:

  • Eat spoonfuls of clove cones.

  • A tablespoon of honey, preferably white honey.

  • A small cup of green tea.

Method of preparation:

  • We grind the cloves finely until we get a fine powder.

  • We put green tea and a spoonful of honey and mix it well.

  • Add the fine cloves to the green tea mixture with honey and continue stirring until we get a homogeneous mixture.

  • We grease the hair from the roots to the ends of the ends well.

  • We leave the mask on the hair about an hour.

  • We wash the hair with lukewarm water and shampoo well.

  • This recipe is preferably repeated twice a week for a month until the desired result is obtained.

At the end of the article the benefits of cloves for straightening hair:

Thus, we have talked in this article about the benefits of cloves for straightening hair as well as the benefits of cloves for the body in general, and we have also introduced many hair masks such as clove mask with honey and clove mask with Nigella sativa.