The problem of belly fat goes beyond being an aesthetic problem, belly fat causes many health problems, as doctors have recently proven, here is this guide that helps you get rid of those stubborn fats easily and without the need to try ineffective things.
Belly fat is one of the most common fats that a person suffers from and affects his appearance, and at the same time one of the most difficult types to get rid of, knowing that when a person starts his career wanting to lose it, he wants to see results as soon as possible, and this is exploited by many sites or programs that claim the possibility of getting rid of these fats very quickly and in a short time, using a certain device that is being promoted or some movements through which the presenter is trying to become famous.

In fact, losing belly fat takes some time. And to start feeling the results, you most likely need about eight weeks (i.e. about two months), although you will practice fitness exercises completely during this period, and this is of course due to your loss of all fat from various areas of the body, not just the abdomen, the bad news for you is that there are no specific exercises or humiliating diets that help lose fat in this particular area only, but the entire body, which justifies the need for an eight-week period, but you can work to avoid biting foods and drinks that help form the abdomen (Rumen), in this example we will help you try to get rid of fat belly and be your partners in this process that need of your patience And continuity.
Eat food that is low in calories
You've probably heard that losing weight is 80 percent from dieting and 20 percent from doing fitness exercises. And although there are no hard and fast facts to support this claim, losing weight causes your diet to disappear. To lose belly fat, and for this you need to eat low-calorie food, that is, you have to consume more calories than you take. That is, you have to set up a calorie deficit, maintain it, and you will lose excess fat, wherever you are on your body.
Thus, you have to set your goals from the number of calories that you have to eliminate, and at the same time calculate the number of calories that you have to eat, which is most likely should range around 1200 calories per day for women; and 1600 for men, however, it is not just the amount of calories that matters, but also the quality. Then you need to focus on nutrient-rich foods that give you more energy that you need daily, for example you can eat leafy greens, vegetables and fruits.
Reduction of sugars
Sugar has a high percentage of dense calories with almost no nutritional value. So when you eat it, you not only add these calories, but also work to store weights, and the reason is that sugar also plays an important role in how fat is stored in our body. Research shows that increased sugar consumption, especially in sugar-sweetened drinks, can lead to increased belly fat . In addition, insulin sugar levels rise, and too much insulin has been linked to obesity. This can also lead to insulin resistance, a common symptom of insulin resistance is the additional storage of fat in the abdomen.
This means that you have to limit the intake of sweets, and also you have to pay attention to misleading sources of added sugars. Which can be found in (healthy) foods, such as yogurt and peanut butter. Not eating added sugar is the best from a health point of view, but getting only 25 grams (six teaspoons) per day is recommended for those who want to lose belly fat.
Avoid refined grains in order to get rid of belly fat
As with sugar, refined grains also lead to high blood sugar and a mess in insulin levels, which can lead to weight gain. And for this and to get rid of belly fat, give up white bread and white rice and eat more whole grains, such as oats, barley, whole wheat pasta and brown rice. In addition, refined cereals are high-calorie, but unsaturated.
Eat more fiber
In contrast to refined cereals there are complex carbohydrates, which tend to be full of fiber. Eating fiber helps you reduce the amount of fat in the abdominal don't need a lot of fiber to get the benefit. about six grams a day is enough to reach the result you want. for this, you need to raise the level of fiber-rich foods such as cooked beans, whole grain cereals (such as oatmeal), fresh fruits, baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, vegetables and 100% whole wheat bread.
Make an exercise plan to get rid of belly fat
Many people think that they need to go to Swedish exercises if they are trying to lose weight. And while these exercises help you burn calories, strength training and weight lifting will help you lose weight in the long run. Strength training will help you build muscle, which means more muscle mass, knowing that your body burns more calories at rest. That's why it's recommended that you focus on compound exercises, which are exercises that target groups of large muscles such as barbell muscles, and leg presses. Compound movements that focus on larger muscle groups will burn the most calories.
Getting enough sleep
While diet and exercise are important for losing belly fat, many people tend to overlook another very important lifestyle (sleep), it has been proven that lack of sleep can increase the production of the stress hormone cortisol. And when cortisol levels increase to keep the body alive, you will most likely experience stress, increased food cravings, mental fog, but in reality there is little energy, and in the end all these things will affect your effectiveness in the gym and weaken your adherence to the eating plan. , And for this you need to set a goal of getting seven to nine hours of sleep at night.
Note: This article contains medical advice, although these tips were written by specialists and are safe and harmless to use for most ordinary people, they are not considered a substitute for the advice of your personal doctor. Use it at your own risk.