Many people are interested in knowing information about yoga so that they can understand this sport, which leads to relaxation, reducing stress and restoring positivity, as the sport of yoga, is a combination of body movements, breathing control movements, meditation and relaxation،
We will mention in this article, the many benefits that this sport brings to the human body, when practiced constantly, and many therapeutic effects have been discovered, of this sport on human health as well.
Information about therapeutic yoga
Yoga is one of the sports that improves mood, reduces stress, and it has recently been discovered that it helps in the treatment of some diseases, and relieves all emotional and spiritual pain, because these problems are often the cause of health problems, stress and pressure, and other problems, and research has also shown that practicing yoga constantly, increases body flexibility, strengthens muscles, improves respiratory function, cardiovascular function, also helps in the treatment of addiction, adjust disturbed sleep habits, and also reduces stress and pain.
What is the sport of yoga Information about yoga
Yoga is a kind of physical sport, for the mind and body together, where this sport includes muscular activity, with mental concentration, stemming from self-awareness, breathing, and a sense of internal energy, where in this sport, lifestyle changes are made, meditation is increased, and it depends more on respiratory exercises, and a change in diet as well, because this sport is inclusive of all internal and external sources, which surround breathing during his performance.
The four principles of yoga
To know information about yoga in a better way, you must first know the four principles of this sport, as these principles are necessary to understand this sport, understand its instructions and practices, so that it is performed correctly, and these principles are related to each other, never separate, are as follows:
The first principle
This principle includes the body, with all its organs, as this principle says, that the body consists of many organs, systems, and each organ is connected with the other and is inseparable from it, since if any organ is infected with a disease, the rest of the organs are hurt along with it.
The second principle
As for this principle, it takes care of individuals, as it says, that each individual has his own unique needs, which are different from the rest of the individuals, so it must be dealt with in a special way that suits his needs, and yoga practices and instructions must also be developed, in order to correspond to the needs of this individual.
The third principle
This principle is based on making yoga self-healing, emanating from inside the body, and not using external sources, as yoga makes the individual participate in the healing process, by playing some activities, so that healing comes from inside the body, instead of outside it, and thus a sense of independence is achieved.
The fourth principle
This principle is based on the integrity of the individual's mind, as this principle says, that the individual's mind should think in a positive way, in order to heal quickly, since if this individual always thinks in a pessimistic way, or his mental thoughts are always negative, then his healing by yoga will last longer.
What are the benefits of practicing yoga
There are many benefits that benefit a person physically and spiritually, through the continuous practice of this sport, and among these benefits are the following:
Reduce stress, depression, anxiety and insomnia.
Improve mood, minimize sleep disturbances.
Bring the body into a completely relaxed state.
Increase the ability of the mind to concentrate, pay more attention, increase the IQ.
Balance between the mind, heart, emotions and thinking, as they provide a balance between the nervous and respiratory systems, between thoughts and emotions.
They help calm and refresh the body, strengthen muscles.
Treatment of many emotional and spiritual problems, andalso some physical health problems.
Improve the flow of blood circulation, treat cardiovascular problems.
Increase body flexibility and strengthen muscles.
Reducing rapid heartbeat, reducing high blood pressure, high cortisol and cholesterol levels.
Achieve tranquility, comfort, well-being and relaxation, improve self-confidence.
Make the outlook on life an optimistic one.
Strengthening the immune system, through regularity in the respiratory process, and also through the organization of diets, and through physical sports movements.
The sport of yoga inhibits the work of the posterior region of the head, which is responsible for the occurrence of tension, leading to a reduction in tension and stress.
You also turn off the work of the zones responsible for fear, aggressiveness and anger, which leads to rest, relaxation and a sense of calm.
They lead to activation of the areas responsible for pleasure and pleasure in the brain.
They relax the muscles, connective tissues surrounding the bones, joints, thereby reducing the pains in the joints and bones.
Reduce the pressure on the cartilage, which reduces pain, solves the problem of knee roughness.
This sport helps to quickly solve the problem of addiction.
This sport also reduces lower back pain, neck pain, and menstrual pain.
How to practice yoga
You can do sports by watching some videos on the internet, or by going to a private trainer, but many prefer to go private trainer, especially if you are a beginner, in doing this sport, because some positions and movements may pose a danger to some people, so you should use a specialized trainer, and if you do yoga on your own, you should stop when you feel any pain, when doing stretching exercises or any other exercises, so as not to hurt yourself.
There are many types of yoga sports, some of them focus on spiritual and emotional exercises, some focus on mental exercises, and others focus on physical exercises, it is self-discipline, improving morality, regulating breathing, separation from the senses, concentration and meditation, and many other meanings, this sport is a way to communicate with our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, to reach the deepest point in the soul and body of Man, and in his mind, and thinking, it is therefore related to Psychology.
Ideas for practicing yoga
All people should practice yoga, watch a lot of videos related to it, memorize some movements and practice this sport, apply it at least twice a week, or allocate an hour of the day, to practice it, so that stress, pressure and fatigue, resulting from the day, are minimized, and now here are some ideas, that you can do daily, to reduce stress, and these ideas are as follows:
Before exercising, you should do circular, easy neck and shoulder wraps, to relieve tension and tension in the muscles.
Try squeezing and relaxing the fingers of your hands and feet, for at least 30 seconds, and you can repeat it, if you feel comfortable.
And now you can practice some simple yoga movements, which you saved from watching videos, or from your instructor, which can be:
Rotate the body back and forth, right and left.
Facial massage.
Stand without movement.
Or lie on the floor, practice stretching movements, or other movements that you like.
You can practice some yoga exercises before bedtime, so that it helps you relax, and one of the favorite exercises for many people is, fold your body forward, like the baby's position, this position helps you calm down and feel comfortable, calm and tranquility, and with this position, you must regulate the breathing process, relax, and focus on yourself.